
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We actually have nothing to offer. We are going into a place where people have lost their homes, their families, theirs jobs, their livelihoods, and their hope. We’re walking into brokenness with our small packs & the word of the Lord, and that’s all.

As we prepare to head to Romania in a few days, the Lord has been so gracious to show me my lack. He has been reminding me that all I have is not enough, and all I have isn’t even mine.

Yet as he gently reminds me of my lack, he in the same breath reminds me of his abundance. As I sit with him, asking him to show me the end of who I am & my experiences, he shows me the fullness of who he is.

He draws my eyes to the abundance that lays within his promises. Taking me from nothing, to a bearer of hope. From lacking, to filled with Holy Spirit, ready to bring light to the darkest places.

He reminds of the smile he has placed on our faces, and how that’s something.

He reminds me of the hands he has given us, ready to serve, and to hold those in pain, and that’s something.

He reminds me of his breath inside of me, ready to praise him for the victory, and also ready to speak life into the pain, though I can’t even begin to understand it for myself.

He also reminds me of the ability to just sit & be in the pain with someone, the ability to just be, and that’s is also something.

He also reminds me that none of this is mine. None of this is from my own strength, persistence, or ability to do good. But instead, that breath that brings life, only comes from him. These hands to hold were only created because of his goodness. This heart was crafted to break for those in pain around me, only because his heart has been placed inside of me.

So as we head to Romania I go with nothing of my own, no way to help, and no way to bring change. But, I do come with the creator of all, the Father to the fatherless, and the life giver.

Though in and of myself there is nothing, his strength is made perfect in my weakness.

So I get to be sent out by the sender. I get to trust that healing and abundance are my desires, but only because they were his first.

And because of that I get to leave myself behind and pick up all that the Lord is giving. Then through that, we get to go and be vessels of healing and light.


We leave for Romania in just 10 short days. We will be spending these next few days at debrief preparing to be sent out again.

So as we prepare through prayer here, I would like to invite you to partner with us.

Please pray for wisdom and decrement, pray for the people we are going to come in contact with. Pray for the brokenness, the pain, all of the things we don’t actually know what to do with on our own.

Pray for our squad to prepare, just as solders being sent out. That we would come to the end of ourselves, our abilities, and our thoughts, and learn to fully trust the Lord to sustain our every movement.

Also please just pray over our thoughts as we prepare to leave Rwanda. That they wouldn’t be clouded, but instead would just be aligned with Holy Spirit.

My squad and I deeply appreciate all of your prayers and encouragement! Thank you for choosing to support and partner with us throughout this journey.

You are deeply loved and valued!

Much Love,

3 responses to “Never Enough, Yet More than Enough”

  1. Okay, this is beautiful and incredible.
    “Yet as he gently reminds me of my lack, he in the same breath reminds me of his abundance.”
    Everything you just wrote was so encouraging to my heart and my soul. It was something I needed to be reminded of.

    Praying for you guys this week at debrief

  2. Wow, Kendell, How beautiful. We have nothing, yet in Christ the Son, God the father, and the Holy Spirit, in their unity and fellowship we have everything we need. We fill up with all He is and be that to the world where He sends us. Many blessings. Praying for you. Joan

  3. Such profound insights! This is so true! Wehn we remember where we stand in relations to who God is and realize the source of our strength, that we can do all thrings through Christ who gives us strength Phil 4:13, then we are ‘right sized’ and able to let God do great things through us, and the glory goes to God, not us. But at the same time we get to exprience the joy of being a part of His gret purpose. I love that you see the bigger picture!